Having in mind the demand for sport activities on the littoral area, we created the Surf at School.On low season periods, we'll begin our activities at Barra do Una beach (São Sebastião), offering surfing classes to kids, teenagers, adults and even to the elderly! Everything is supervised and monitored by a team of qualified professionals, entirely composed by physical education teachers.To make this possible, the ARC Sports, a company specialized on sports, put a lot of effort and joined forces with a lot of competent professionals.Our target group is mainly found in schools, that help offering the infrastructure needed for the realization of this project on the shore. For the parents and guardian, we have our 'support tent', which rents and offer classes of stand up paddle and kayak, assuring that the whole family will have fun.We also rent surf boards and life jackets, besides having our own stylized lycra suits, allowing us to better visualize and identify our clients. The beach also has stands where you can rent beach volleyball and matkot kits.All of this follows the ARC Sports methodology!


(11) 3433.3623 
(11) 3637.8120 
and (11) 9 4020.7364

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